Excellent service and understanding
As of this moment, you/The Clock Depot are the highlight of my day. Thank you for the excellent service and understanding.
I am quite sure that we will be doing more business in the future and will never have any qualms about recommending your establishment. As it was the wife was greatly envious of the son’s wedding gift and was ready to put it up on her wall.

Howard Miller Lawyer II 620-249 Wall Clock
Best wishes for you, yours, and the Clock Depot.
Have an enjoyable weekend.
Ken F.
Excellent service and understanding
Posted on October 22, 2010 | By clockde | Leave a response
As of this moment, you/The Clock Depot are the highlight of my day. Thank you for the excellent service and understanding.
I am quite sure that we will be doing more business in the future and will never have any qualms about recommending your establishment. As it was the wife was greatly envious of the son’s wedding gift and was ready to put it up on her wall.
Howard Miller Lawyer II 620-249 Wall Clock
Best wishes for you, yours, and the Clock Depot.
Have an enjoyable weekend.
Ken F.
Posted in Customer Comments