Seth Thomas Adamantine Clocks
Posted on July 14, 2010 | By clockde | 1 response
From 1860 through 1870 clocks imported from Europe with decorative slate, onyx or marble cases became very popular among the purchasers in the United States. Clocks of this style became a status purchase among the wealthy.
In 1882 Seth Thomas partnered with The Celluloid Manufacturing Company of New York City and started using a new material called Adamantine which was a celluloid veneer in a wide variety of colors that simulate marble or alabaster. This new material made the clock appear like many of the more expensive clocks imported from Europe, but would sell at a price most families could afford.
Adamantine veneer was developed by the Celluloid Manufacturing Company of New York City, and was covered by U.S. Patent number 232,037, dated September 7, 1880. Seth Thomas Clock Company purchased the right to use the Adamantine veneer in 1881.
Here are a few sample images of the Seth Thomas Adamantine clock made by Seth Thomas. Click the images to view the entire clock.
New Howard Miller Circa
In 2004, Howard Miller Clocks introduced a new clock as a reproduction of this classic style called the Circa. The Circa is an all wood mantel clock made in USA with a German Movement. You may click the image to see the product detail and pricing for this new clock.Not everyone wants an antique clock and wishes for a new, more reliable timepiece. This antique-styled mantel clock features a lightly distressed finish and is rich in reproduction hardware, giving it a very authentic look. Decorative reeded columns frame the dial, and reproduction hardware adds a distinctive touch to the capitals, column bases, decorative rings, and front and rear feet. A Carpathian elm burl veneer creates an additional point of interest. Aged to match the era, the dial features Roman numeral graphics. Finished in Americana Cherry.
German made Kieninger Key-wound Westminster chime movement requires winding only once per week. Chime on/off lever and durable bronze bushings.
Size: H. 10-1/4″ W. 15-1/4″ D. 5-3/4″
I have a Seth Thomas Adamantine mantel clock. It was my great-great grandfather’s. I was told in 2012 by a clock repair man in TX that it cost about $7.00 new and is worth about $300.00 now. It has the key with it. There is a little damage on one of the columns. It’s been very interesting learning things about this clock. Thank you