The hourglass is great and I will keep your store in mind for future purchases.
Thank you the quick turn around on my purchase. The hourglass is great and I will keep your store in mind for future purchases. Thank you again.
Bryce Hitchcock
Dayton, Ohio
Hourglasses at the Clock Depot and a full selection of Grandfather Clocks.

Hourglasses for Sale
The hourglass is great and I will keep your store in mind for future purchases.
Posted on February 9, 2010 | By clockde | Leave a response
Thank you the quick turn around on my purchase. The hourglass is great and I will keep your store in mind for future purchases. Thank you again.
Bryce Hitchcock
Dayton, Ohio
Hourglasses at the Clock Depot and a full selection of Grandfather Clocks.
Hourglasses for Sale
Posted in Customer Comments