Great service, above any place I have previously found
I simply can’t thank you enough for your special care, information, and fine tuning this exceptionally beautiful clock. I do appreciate it. It was a great treat to unpack and find it perfect and more beautiful than pictured. I hope you will put this on your feedback area because I am one very happy customer and definitely would recommend your clock site above all – and I have a housefull. If anyone hesitates to buy from you, have them call me collect.
Again, I really thank you for your great service, above the normal any place I have previously found. And it was packed wonderfully well. I could rave on…….but just thanks.
Ivaleen S.
Bella Vista, AR
Great service, above any place I have previously found
Posted on September 30, 2010 | By Customers | Leave a response
I simply can’t thank you enough for your special care, information, and fine tuning this exceptionally beautiful clock. I do appreciate it. It was a great treat to unpack and find it perfect and more beautiful than pictured. I hope you will put this on your feedback area because I am one very happy customer and definitely would recommend your clock site above all – and I have a housefull. If anyone hesitates to buy from you, have them call me collect.
Again, I really thank you for your great service, above the normal any place I have previously found. And it was packed wonderfully well. I could rave on…….but just thanks.
Ivaleen S.
Bella Vista, AR
Posted in Customer Comments